Tuesday, February 28, 2006

/Microsoft and ‘SO’

I was sick yesterday with a bit of a fever a bit ‘non compus mentis’ as they say. All I could think about while in this state was architecture. I remember a thought coming to me through this shrouded reality; Microsoft are subliminally indoctrinating all of us about SO. So, why did I think this?

Next time you listen to an MS guy/gal talking, listen to the first word they say. I can’t guarantee it but for the most part it’s the word ‘so’. Everyone knows that you shouldn’t start a sentence with a conjunction. So, why are they doing it, the only reason I could think of was to drive the SO sword ever deeper. Now as I write this it seems infinitely less plausible, or does it?

I looked up the whole conjunction starting a sentence thing
it seems that there has definitely been a diminution of this grammatical rule since I were a lad.

Ponder this, thank (replace with your name of divinity or not) that MS aren’t pushing ESBs (see here what Scott Woodgate has to say about this).

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