Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm speaking at the IMTC (Irish Microsoft Technology Conference)

I haven't blogged in 10 months now. I've been 'encouraged' to give a BizTalk talk at the IMTC by Philip McK (mtug guy). I've decided I better start blogging again. I'm looking through the speaker list and I'm by far the least illustrious of my fellow speakers. But as the man said (not sure who this man is) we'll give it a go.

The last time I spoke was at the BizTalk 2006 launch. I really enjoyed it; I think by the end of a long day the last thing anyone was thinking about was loosely coupled systems. It was more likely they wanted to loose me from my mortal coil (or at least get me to shut up).

Hope to see some of you there!!!!


L.M.N said...

Hi Gar,
Was delighted to see your name in the list of speakers for the 2007 Irish Microsoft Technology conference. I won't make it myself unfortunately, but as co-sponsors, your sure to see some of the Vantage team there.
Best of luck with it,


Anonymous said...

Hey Gar, Good luck!
I'm really glad to see your name in the list.
See you there!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck on the day Gar - have to say I'm delighted to see your name in such an illustrious list. Don't think I'll make it myself - delivering a system this week :( but that's my loss.
