Wednesday, October 31, 2007

SOA & BP Conference - Part 2: More on Oslo (kind of)

Oslo really is a grand vision but what about Software Factories, DSLs, GAT, GAX etc. I've been asking that question of as many people as I could and I'm not sure what the answer is.

Last year was all about Software Factories as the future for all of us. I heard and saw lots of sessions and debates about SF versus MDA. There seems to have been a rethink on this, it's now all about executable models. Models will represent the 'actual' and 'current' state of things as opposed to a models now that show a design time state that is pretty stale and old nearly immediately. So what happens people who have invested in GAT, GAX, DSLs my gut feel is that you (we) may have been sold a pup. See the correction below...


The focus on GAT packages that was around last year seems to have blurred a bit. My sense of it is, that GAT in it's current form doesn't really align well with the Oslo vision. In terms of what is on the agenda in this at the conference; Don Smith is releasing a new version of Web Service Software Factory this week but the word on the street is that the pre-release version contained tools (really useful tools) that won't appear in the release because it confused the Oslo message. There's also a session on the Smart Client SF later in the week but very little hype.

Watch this space I will try and ferret out what the truth/future is.

CORRECTION>>> I talked to Don Smith on Thursday after his Service Factory demo. DSLs, GAT and GAX are still around Service Factory V3 looks super we'll see some really cool stuff in Rosario. I think the reason that stuff has not been talked about at this conference is to try and not confuse the Oslo message with other noise.

Once more Service Factory V3 is really really cool and looks really extensible.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

SOA & Business Process Conference, Seattle 2007 - Part 1

I arrived late last night into 'sunny' (I'm serious) Seattle - everyone told me it would be raining. So what's new. Well the big news is Project Oslo which has been under NDA until this morning. Oslo is the vision of the future and it's all about models and services.

Oslo is where workflow, Internet Service Bus (BizTalk Labs), WCF, BizTalk Server '6', hosted services all coalesce. All this along with general purpose modeling language(s), tool(s) Universal Model  Editor (CTP's next year watch this space) and a model repository.

It's a really ambitious vision and one that M$ admit might never be fully realized. I guess we'll wait and see.